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20 Aug 2015


select *from 主表 left join 次 on 主表.字段I=次表.字段D where 主表.字段x=变量1 and 次表.字段x2 like ‘%变量2%’;


select *from product left join product_type on product.pro_id=product_type.protype_id;
select *from 表名 where 段名 between $x and $x1;
select *from 表名 order by 段名 desc或asc;


select *from 表名 where 段名1=info and 字段 like ‘%$info2%’

//group by语法

Select Dept,Count(User_name) From Ec_uses Where Score>89 Group By Dept


SELECT dept,COUNT(user_name) count_tmp FROM ec_uses GROUP BY dept Having score>1


select *from 表名 where 段名 like ‘%x%’ / ‘x%’ / ‘_x%’           //_单 %多


select *from 表名 limit 3                                                         //前三条
select *from 表名 limit 1,3                                                      //从第二条到第四条

//order by语法

select *from 表名 order by 段名 desc limit 2,5;


select *from 表名 别名


select 段名 as 段别名, 段名 as 段别名, 段名 as 段别名 from 表名;


1、 “select y.*,b.bumen_name from yuangong as y inner join bumen as b on where b.bumen_name=’{$bumen_name}’”
2、 “select password from user where username=’{$username}’”


insert into 表名(段名1,段名2、、、、) value(‘变量’,’字符串’,null,1,0,、、、、);
$sql=”insert into product values(null,’$a’,’$b’,’$c’,’15/6/7’)”;
$sql=”insert into product(pro_id,pro_name,protype_id,price,pinpai,chandi)”;
“insert into user values(null,’{$username}’,’{$password}’,’{$email}’,’{$hobby}’,’{$phone}’,’{$add_time}’ )”


表名 set 结果变换 where 位置[定取行];
$sql=”update product set nam=’$a’,num=’$b’,cho=’$c’ where ID=’$xiug’”; $result=mysql_query($sql);


delete from 表名 where 段名 in(id1,id2,id3);
delete from 表名 where 位置[定取行];


drop database 库名;


drop table 叶表名 ?>


mysql> insert into mysql.user(Host,User,Password) values(“localhost”,”用户名”,password(“密码”));
mysql>flush privileges;


mysql>grant all privileges on 数据库名.* to xxxx@localhost identified by ‘xxxx密码’;
mysql>flush privileges;


mysql>grant select,update on cplusplusDB.* to cplusplus@localhost identified by ‘’; //刷新系统权限表。
mysql>flush privileges;


mysql>DELETE FROM user WHERE User=”cplusplus” and Host=”localhost”;
mysql>flush privileges;


mysql>update mysql.user set password=password(‘新密码’) where User=”cplusplus” and Host=”localhost”;
mysql>flush privileges;

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